
LHSC has an extensive recycling program as part of our Waste Management Manual and Waste Reduction Work Plan. Achieving environmental sustainability and practicing due diligence with our recycling efforts is helping LHSC minimize its environmental impact, both locally and globally. Together, we can make positive strides at reducing our carbon footprint.

Our recycling program diverts many items from landfill:

Recycled 2019

Our recycling program includes:

  • Single-Stream Recycling 
    • All recyclables go into the same bin at LHSC. This includes aluminum, steel, paper, glass, plastics #1-7, cardboard, and boxboard.
    • Since implementing this single-stream recycling, we have seen a significant improvement in our recycling numbers.
  • Organics
    • Since the implementation of our Organics Program in January of 2018, LHSC has diverted over 671 tonnes of organic waste from landfill. We are always looking for new ways to recycle organics, including the introduction of our new de-pack program. This will divert an estimated 100 tonnes of organic waste annually from landfills.
  • Shredded Paper
    • This program accounts for the largest percentage of our recyclable materials. Over 813 tonnes of confidential paper materials were securely gathered and shredded last year alone!
  • Scrap Metals
    • Scrap metal is brought to an off-site location to be recycled and repurposed. The money received from this program is reinvested in funding environmental initiatives such as new signage, bins and educational programs.
  • Electronic Waste and Batteries
    • This recycling method recovers valuable materials that can be used to make new products. The program also ensures the proper management of toxic chemical substances like mercury, lead and cadmium contained in the e-waste stream.