We're sorry, but there has been a problem processing your e-mail. Please make sure to include a valid e-mail address before resending it.

If you continue to experience difficulties with your posting, please e-mail it to: CelebrateSouthStreet@lhsc.on.ca

Sorry for the inconvenience.

"; } else {//send email $message = "From: " . $_REQUEST['name']. "\n\nE-Mail: " . $_REQUEST['email']. "\n\nWebpage: " . $_REQUEST['webpage']. "\n\nMessage:\n" . $_REQUEST['message']; $email = 'nobody@www.lhsc.on.ca' ; mail("CelebrateSouthStreet@lhsc.on.ca", "South Street Comment", $message, "From: $email" ); echo "

Thank you for sharing your message with the Celebrating South Street Hospital website.

Please note, LHSC reviews all messages before posting them to the site.

"; } } else {//if "email" is not filled out, display the form echo "

If you would like to post a comment but don't have a Facebook account, simply send us your message and we will post it for you. Please fill in all fields.

". "". "". "". "". "
". "Your Name:
". "
". "Your Email Address:
". "
". "Message:
". "
". "". "". "
". "Subject:
". "
". "City:
". "
". "
". "

Please send your photos by email to CelebrateSouthStreet@lhsc.on.ca.

". "

Please note, we will not include your e-mail address in your posting. LHSC reserves the right to refuse any posting. All postings and photos become the property of LHSC.

"; } ?>