Clinical Educators

All nurses complete additional education in critical care nursing before they begin working independently in CCTC.  Our two Clinical Educators work collaboratively with the two educators from the University Hospital Critical Care Program and the Cross Site Critical Care Educator.  Together they provide a 3 month intensive education program that meets the national and provincial standards for critical care nurses.  Some of our nurses go on to become certified in Critical Care Nursing and carry the credential CNCC-C.

CCTC Nurse Educators provide initial and ongoing education for nursing staff in CCTC.

Rebecca Park











Rebecca Park BScN RN
Clinical Educator, CCTC

Tiffany Dubrueil

Tiffany Dubrueil BSc RN
Clinical Educator, CCTC








Kendrah Krouskos BScN RN CNCC-C
Clinical Educator, Cross Site Critical Care Educator