Case Management

Role of Case Manager

Individuals accepted into PEPP work with a Case Manager who will coordinate care. These clinicians are either registered nurses or social workers who assist individuals and families cope with a diagnosis of first episode of psychosis and promote recovery. Through working with clients and families Case Managers help to identify strengths, needs, resources, and develop goals and make connections with appropriate services.

Common activities of Case Managers:

  • Educating about the illness, symptoms, and the role of treatment. This includes discussing medication, its benefits and side effects, the impact of substance use on psychosis and how to manage the illness in a way that allows the client to function as well as possible.
  • Identifying and managing co-existing conditions such as depression, anxiety and/or addictions.
  • Providing individual support to help recovery and promote relapse prevention. This holistic approach examines many aspects of life including healthy living, social engagement, housing, employment, education, legal and financial concerns, friendship, spirituality and intimacy.
  • Maintaining and promoting community engagement.
  • Supporting clients and families in how to challenge and cope with stigma associated with mental illness.
  • Providing ongoing risk assessment and crisis intervention strategies.
  • Measure client’s progress using standardized rating scales.
  • Planning and assisting with discharge from PEPP and co-ordinating follow up support, should it be necessary.
  • Liaising with family physicians.
  • Providing support and education to community partners and agencies.