Maps & Directions to LHSC

Most of our clinics are located at:

Victoria Hospital

If you are coming to London by train , the station is located on York St., east of the intersection of York and Wellington Rd. London City Bus Route Richmond #6 will drop you off near the front door of Zone C. Simply enter the hospital at the C entrance and follow the signs to zone B. If you take a taxi from the bus/train station, ask the driver to take you to the main zone B entrance accessible from the Baseline Road entrance.

If you are using the London Transit System, we are located on Bus Route Richmond #6.

If you are driving, Victoria Hospital is located at the corner of Wellington and Baseline Roads. Take the main entrance to the hospital off Baseline at the lights, turn right toward the P8 parking garage. For complete driving directions and a detailed site map of Victoria Hospital, please visit our Maps & Directions.