Continence Clinic

Clinic Information

If you are a woman experiencing urinary incontinence that is affecting your quality of life you can ask your family physician or primary care nurse practitioner to refer you to one of the four urogynecology physicians at LHSC. Once the referral is made you will be triaged by the urogynecology physician to be seen in their clinic, or you will be referred to the Nursing led RN Continence Clinic.

RN Led Continence Clinic Referral Form

If you are triaged to the Continence Clinic you will be seen by a nurse specially trained in incontinence management. During your appointment, the Nurse Continence Advisor will take a detailed continence history and may conduct a brief vaginal exam. Once the assessment is completed she will discusses with you conservative treatment strategies you can use to improve your continence.

If you are triaged to see the physician in their clinic it can be a long wait to be seen, so please read the information on the following pages to learn about things you can do on you own to help improve your continence.

For more information view our video on YouTube: