Visiting Information

Preparing for your visit

Welcome to London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC). Our skilled and dedicated nurses, physicians and other health care professionals will do everything they can to make your stay as comfortable as possible.

We are a teaching hospital. You may find that the next generation of health care providers—residents, trainees, and students—are part of the team caring for you. You may also be offered an opportunity to participate in clinical trials and research studies that will help to improve care and treatments in the future.

What do I do when I get to the hospital?

  • If you are experiencing any symptoms of illness, please advise your care team at your destination within the hospital. If you are a visitor who answered 'yes' to any of the illness screening questions posted at our entrances, we ask that you please return at another time. Care partners and visitors should review our Visitor Policy.
  • Clean your hands (remove gloves). Please remove any gloves and clean your hands using the hand sanitizer provided.
  • Put on a mask. We recommend that everyone (including patients, visitors and caregivers) mask in all clinical areas and care settings when meeting with or speaking directly to a health care worker, especially in our Emergency Departments, the Verspeeten Family Cancer Centre, clinical waiting rooms, and Ambulatory Clinics.* A hospital mask will be provided at the entrance. Your mask should be fully covering your nose, mouth and chin at all times. Try to avoid adjusting your mask or touching your face while you are wearing your mask. Always wash your hands both before and after putting on or taking off your mask.
  • Please see patient and visitor masking guidelines for more information.

Additional Information

Hand Hygiene 

Visitors are very important to our patients and their well-being. You have a critical role in preventing infections. Please review our hand hygiene information and follow the guidelines provided to help reduce the spread of germs! 

Cellular Phones, Mobile Phones, Transmitting Devices and Wireless Internet 

For information about the use of cellular phones, mobile phones, transmitting devices and wireless internet (WiFi) at LHSC, visit the "Using your personal device at LHSC' web page

Patient E-Card

If you have a family member or friend in one of our hospitals, you are invited to send a personalized message with our free E-card service.