Frequently Asked Questions about Pain

Will the surgery cause pain afterwards?

Yes. As with any surgery, pain is an expected side effect. Please click here for more information.

Is there anything I can do to eliminate the pain after surgery?

Yes. Please click here for more information.

Will I receive medication to manage the pain?

Yes. Please click here for more information.

Do I continue taking medications during rehabilitation?

Yes. You will be sent home with a prescription for pain medication when you are discharged from the hospital.

Whom do I ask about my medications for pain and inflammation?

While in hospital, consult with your nurse about your medication. When you are discharged from the hospital and have questions about your medication, please call your surgeon or family physician.

Can I become addicted to my pain medication?

Addiction ‘very rarely’ happens in people who are taking pain medicine to relieve pain. (About 1 in 3000). After surgery, there is no need to worry about addiction being caused by taking pain medicine to be comfortable. Taking pain medicine for pain relief is not the same thing as addiction.

I take regular pain medication at home. Will I get the same medication after surgery in hospital?

In order to appropriately assess and select your pain medication it is important that we know exactly which pain medication you are taking at home and how well it was working. You may get the same or similar medication but the dose may be adjusted to make sure the medication is still effective.

What should I do if my pain pills are not working for my pain?

Call your surgeon’s office and let him know. He may reorder same or different medication or direct you to contact your family doctor to prescribe more.

What should I do if my pain pills are upsetting my stomach?

Take your pills with food. If does not help call your family doctor.

What do I do if I'm going to run out of pain pills and not told how to reduce or wean? 

Usually should reduce from 2 to 1 pill as you tolerate. Some people do require pain pills for a longer period of time than others. Call your surgeon and he may reorder or direct you to your family doctor.

For more information and additional questions, visit the Frequently Asked Questions web page