Brian Yaremko


Picture of Dr. Brian Yaremko

Brian Yaremko, MD, FRCPC, MSc, PEng.
Radiation Oncologist, Verspeeten Family Cancer Centre
Associate Professor, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Western Ontario

Modern Radiation Oncology has become extremely technology-based, incorporating sophisticated imaging modalities and equally sophisticated treatment planning techniques.  It is important for the modern Radiation Oncologist to stay up to date the latest developments in technology, and to understand how such developments will affect our discipline.  I have an extensive technical background, and I am particularly interested in imaging-based aspects of cancer diagnosis and treatment. 

During my Fellowship at the University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, I participated in research looking at 4DCT-generated ventilation imaging.  More recently, I was the Primary Investigator of the FLAIR clinical trial, randomizing patients with advanced lung cancer to standard radiotherapy versus functional lung avoidance using helium-based ventilation MRI.  I am currently heavily involved in the design and clinical implementation of the SIGNAL trials, a suite of studies looking at how we can best integrate stereotactic radiotherapy (often called SBRT or SABR) into the treatment of breast cancer. 

I actively support collaborative research, both locally and internationally, and this has led to authorship on a number of important publications, including RTOG 0417 and RTOG 1203.  Even more importantly, I enjoy teaching students and residents.  I am happy to be a part of such a large and talented team at Western, and I know that my colleagues and I look forward to providing advanced, effective oncologic care to the people of our community.