Hospital Access

  • All media must contact the LHSC Corporate Communications & Public Relations Department for permission before coming onto hospital property (including hospital grounds), and must be escorted by a member of the Corporate Communications team while on-site.
  • The media is asked to wear proper identification of their employer while on hospital property.
  • The media must first notify Corporate Communications before interviewing, photographing, filming, or making an audio recording or videotape of an LHSC patient. Signed patient consent, obtained by Corporate Communications, is required and media must be escorted by Corporate Communications when on-site.
  • LHSC physicians and staff must also provide permission, through Corporate Communication, before the media can proceed with an audio or video recording, filming, photographs, or an interview.
  • After-hours media access is not permitted unless arranged in advance. Only under rare exceptions will interviews, videotaping, filming, audio recording, or photographs be authorized, and any authorization must be obtained from Corporate Communications. After hours, media can call the LHSC switchboard at (519) 685-8500 and ask for the Communications Consultant on-call to be paged.