Recognizing Dietitians Day

Dietitians Day 2022

March 16, 2022

Dietitians Day is celebrated each March in appreciation of the important role that dietitians play as regulated health-care professionals, committed to using their expertise and skills to create a healthier future for all Canadians. Today, we are delighted to thank the many dietitians and dietetic assistants who work as essential members of our interdisciplinary health-care teams and support services.

Why dietitians matter in a hospital setting:
Clinical nutrition services are focused on the basic science of nutrition, research, and the practical application of nutrition, as it relates to specific disease states. At LHSC, our registered dietitians provide leadership on the management of medical nutritional therapy to ensure that patients and their families receive optimal, appropriate and patient-centred nutrition care, education and support.

Their work includes the assessment of the nutritional status of patients with a condition, illness or injury that puts them at nutritional risk. Through the integration and application of the sciences of biology, pathology, food and nutrition, dietitians are able to provide patients with tailored strategies for optimal nutrition. Dietitians also support the education and training of the health-care force of tomorrow including mentoring of dietetic students and contributing to the learning of our many intradisciplinary team members.