What to Expect

What to Expect

Usually, you are referred to our program by a family doctor or a paediatrician in the community.

Before your appointment:

  • Check with family members to see if there is any kidney disease in the family.
  • Find out if anyone is on dialysis or has received a kidney transplant.
  • Know the patient's birth weight and the duration of the pregnancy (full term vs. premature)
  • Bring all medications that you or your child currently takes including over the counter vitamins or supplements.

Remember to bring:

  • OHIP card
  • Vaccination records
  • All medications in their original containers
  • Record of birth weight and details of pregnancy
  • A full bladder

Register at the clinic
Our registration desk is inside the PMDU entrance past the elevator corridor.

Arrive early
Please make sure you arrive at least 15 minutes ahead of the scheduled appointment. This helps to maintain your priority of being seen and to ensure that the clinic stays on time. If the clinics are delayed because of late arrival, then all patients are affected. This is particularly important for the early morning appointments.

After registration
After registering, your height and weight will be obtained. When being weighed, be prepared to take off your shoes and jackets etc. It might be necessary to weigh infants with only a clean diaper on.

One of our nurses will take your blood pressure on the arm or leg. You will be asked to provide your child’s medication and vaccination history to the nurse. It would be extremely helpful to us if you bring this information either clearly written or typed on a piece of paper, the more specific the information the better.

Bring a full bladder
You will have to give a urine sample at each visit. Please drink plenty of fluids before you arrive. If you need to urinate just before the appointment please ask the registration desk to notify our nurses, they will be able to provide you with a container to collect the urine.

If we have arranged for an ultrasound of the kidneys you may also need a full bladder. Please follow the instructions you have been given prior to the appointment.

In collaboration with the Paediatric Critical Care program, continuous renal replacement therapy is available. Collaborative partnerships with the adult nephrology service, the adult hemodialysis unit of LHSC and with the Southwestern Ontario Regional Self-Care Dialysis Clinic ensure full service dialysis care and teaching for children with end-stage renal disease and their families.

The program is also associated with the Transplant programs at the Hospital For Sick Children in Toronto and the adult Renal Transplant Program at the University Campus of London Health Sciences Centre.