The Paediatric Neurology Team

Our Team

Our health care team is dedicated to providing high quality care for your child.

Dr. Simon Levin Paediatric Neurologist
Dr. Craig Campbell Paediatric Neurologist
Dr. Narayan Prasad Paediatric Neurologist
Dr. Andrea Andrade Paediatric Neurologist
Dr. Maryam Nouri Paediatric Neurologist
Margo DeVries-Rizzo, NP-Paeds Nurse Practitioner

Michelle Gratton

Registered Nurse
Cara Gordon Social Worker
Sarah Denomme Registered Dietician
Dr. Erica Gold Psychologist
Dr. Sabrina Freund   Neuropsychologist
Janice Gray Psychometrist
Lorraine Janzen   Psychometrist
Whitney Edgeworth Medical Secretary
Chantal Douglas Medical Secretary


Roles of the Paediatric Neurology Team

During your time with us, you will meet several people. To get to know us better, here is a description of each team member's role.

Paediatric Neurologist

  • The neurologist is a paediatrician who has specialized training and experience in the management of your child's specific neurological condition.
  • Our neurologists have clinical expertise in a variety of areas including epilepsy, cerebral palsy, neurometabolic and neuromuscular disorders, as well as acquired brain injury.
  • After an initial consultation with you and your child, an individual plan of care is established.
  • Follow-up appointments are individualized to best meet your child's health needs.

Nurse Practitioner

  • The Nurse Practitioner provides comprehensive holistic care for your child.
  • With advanced university education and expertise in paediatric neurology, the NP works independently and in partnership with members of the Neurology Team to provide a full range of health services.
  • These include diagnosing neurological conditions, ordering investigations, prescribing medications, and managing the care of your child in either the hospital or community setting.
  • Using a family-centered approach, the Nurse Practitioner develops a plan of care for your child's health condition and works with you as partners in your child's care.

Nurse Case Manager

  • The nurse case manager is a university prepared registered nurse who has additional expertise is in Pediatric Neurology
  • Actively participates in your child’s Neurology team by acting as a liaison between you and your child’s Neurology team members
  • Coordinates tests, examinations and consultations to ensure they are carried out within the best possible time frame
  • Identifies the health needs of your child and provides information and education in regards to new diagnosis, seizure medication management and the plan of care
  • Provides guidance to families navigating the health care system
  • Partners with community agencies to assist in addressing your child’s relevant needs in the community

Social Worker

  • The social worker is available to patients and families to provide supportive counselling.
  • Families may benefit from discussing emotional, financial, family and other related concerns with a social worker as you try and understand, adjust and cope with a neurological disease/condition.
  • In addition, the social worker can assist with information about community resources and/or financial programs that are available.

Clinical Psychologist

  • The clinical psychologist is available by referral from your medical team to provide a variety of psychological treatments related to issues such as adjustment to a medical condition or treatment, acute or chronic pain, and management of stresses that are related to a medical condition.
  • The clinical psychologist is able to identify and treat underlying mental health conditions such as anxiety or depression that may be contributing to or that may have developed as a result of a medical condition.
  • The psychologist may be able to partner with schools and agencies to help address a child's needs in the community.

Medical Secretary

  • The medical secretary books your child's appointment, once a referral has been received from your doctor.
  • The secretary books any further appointments or tests, as needed.
  • Our secretaries correspond on a regular basis, with multiple departments and health care providers, to streamline and advance your child’s care.

Medical and Nursing Students

  • Numerous medical and nursing students, as well as those from other health disciplines, work with various team members to gain further expertise in neurology.
  • Often these students are present during your child's clinic visit and/or hospital stay. As part of our students’ learning objectives, they actively participate and contribute towards the care of your child.