Neurosurgery Education and Outreach Network (NEON)

What is NEON? NEON is short for Neurosurgery Outreach Education Network. It was developed and is funded by the MOHLTC to both maximize care of neurosurgery patients across the province and improve access and flow in neurosurgical centres. 

Why NEON? Being one of 11 adult neurosurgical centres in Ontario, London Health Sciences Centre provides neurosurgical care to patients referred from other hospitals within our region. 

Through outreach education to non-neurosurgical centres we can promote patients remaining in their home centres for monitoring, help repatriate patients in a timelier manner to their home centres once neurosurgical interventions have been completed and we can help train nursing staff in the care of brain and spine injured patients while awaiting transfer to LHSC. Ultimately, the goals of NEON are:

  • Improved quality of care
  • Educational outreach
  • Care close to home
  • Improve access and flow