Our Team


Nicole Yawney
Nicole Yawney


Doris Yuen
Doris Yuen


Patricia Hall
Patricia Hall
 Kyna Patterson


Jillian Glasglow
Jillian Glasglow


Luis Altamirano Diaz
Luis Altamirano Diaz


Candace Carreiro
Candace Carreiro
 Magaret Perquin


Levv Shatil
Levv Shatil


Andres Ens
Andres Ens


Sepideh Taheri
Sepideh Taheri


Anne Marie Sparks
Anne Marie Sparks - I work as the Operational Specialist with the Paediatric Family Resource Centre here at Children’s Hospital. I am passionate about improving our hospital for Patients and Families. I am a parent to four wonderful children, three of whom have mental health diagnoses. I’ve seen the healing impact nature can have on my own mental health and am proud to be part of Nature For Healing.


Kawmadi Abeytunge
Kawmadi Abeytunge - I'm a Pediatrics resident at Western University with a strong interest in environmental health and health equity. Connecting with nature has been an integral part of my own wellness and I have seen the benefits that time with nature has for patients. I am thrilled to be working with CHEHC and helping develop the Prescriptions for Nature program at Children’s Hospital. 


Chris Kinchlea
Chris Kinchlea is an LHSC patient partner, fundraiser, speaker, and rare disease advocate. Holistic care for patients and families that includes and contributes to mental and socio-emotional wellness became very important to Chris as a caregiver of her young child during his time in and out of hospital. Nature for Healing is a program she immediately jumped at a chance to be involved in, because of the positive effect nature has had in her own mental wellness while managing her child's ongoing chronic illness. Chris holds strong beliefs about spirituality in nature and our human connection with the world around us.


Nicole Turner
Nicole Turner is a manager in the Office of Inclusion & Social Accountability. Her portfolio addresses equity concerns related to accessibility and those impacting paediatric patients, their families, and the incredible staff/physicians/affiliates who care for them. As a Registered Social Worker, Nicole passionately believes that planetary health strongly correlates with that of the people living on it. Additionally, she has first-hand experience in seeing just how much healing power nature holds, as she used to go outside for walks with patients in her previous roles and often witnessed significant changes in mood as a result. On a personal note, Nicole happens to live with a physical disability.  This inspires her to consistently work to discover new ways of ensuring everyone can access the benefits of "the great outdoors", even if it is from their hospital bed. In short, she is excited to combine her passions for the environment, helping people, and advancing equity through this new initiative!


Heather Talbot
Heather Talbot is the Indigenous Transition Facilitator for the Renal Care program at London Health Sciences Centre. She is Anishinaabe from Sheguiandah First Nation on Manitoulin Island. Heather advocates for a wholistic approach to health care which involves taking care of the patient mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically, braiding Western medicine with traditional Indigenous methods of healing. Her spirit is strongly rooted in a connection to nature and Mother Earth and sees herself as a protector of animals, plants and waters that exist upon Turtle Island.


Dr. Julie Strychowsky
Dr. Julie Strychowsky is a Pediatric Otolaryngologist at Children’s Hospital at London Health Sciences Centre and Assistant Professor in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at Western University. She completed her medical school and residency training at McMaster University, and fellowship in Pediatric Otolaryngology at Boston Children’s Hospital. She holds a Master’s degree in Patient Safety and Health Care Quality from Johns Hopkins University. She is Co-Surgeon Champion for NSQIP-Pediatric, Co-Chair of the Children’s Hospital – Quality and Patient Safety Council, and Director of Patient Safety and Quality Improvement for the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. She is the Physician Lead of the Operating Room - Planetary Health Intervention Team (OR-PHIT) at London Health Sciences Centre, a multidisciplinary collaboration with the goal of improving environmental sustainability in the operating room. She is very passionate about quality improvement and environmental sustainability, both as a surgeon and mom of two young boys. 


Bailey Felker, Child Life Specialist
Bailey Felker is a Child Life Specialist


Deborah Dewbury
Deborah Dewbury


Lauren Mascarenhas
Lauren Mascarenhas. Throughout my life, nature has been a grounding force that brings me back to the present moment and fills me with gratitude; it serves as a constant reminder that the world is vast and beautiful, I am connected to everything around me, and there is always room to grow.