Our Team

Midwifery Team

(From Left to Right: Lauren Columbus, Erika Maaskant, and Annie Latham. Registered Midwives)
Image (from left to right): Lauren Columbus, Registered Midwife; Erika Maaskant, Registered Midwife; and Annie Latham, Registered Midwife
Lauren Columbus, Registered Midwife
Lauren Columbus, Registered Midwife
Lauren Columbus is a Registered Midwife and the Academic Practice Lead with the Department of Midwifery at London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC).She is currently completing her Master’s thesis in Health Professions Education with Maastricht University, and is passionate about interprofessional collaboration and education, quality assurance and quality improvement, team performance, and patient-centered care. She is thrilled to be able to bring this innovative program to the MFM patients at LHSC.
Annie Latham, Registered Midwife
Annie Latham, Registered Midwife
Annie Latham has been working as a registered midwife at Forest City Midwifery C.A.R.E (formerly Womancare Midwives) since she graduated in 2017, having completed her clinical training in London and southwestern Ontario. During this time, she has been honoured to work with and learn from the nursing staff, MFM and OB team, and fellow midwives and to be cared for by members of each team during her own pregnancy and birth. She is dedicated to working interprofessionally to provide seamless and holistic care to pregnant people and looking forward to working creatively together to achieve this goal.
Erika Maaskant
Erika Maaskant, Registered Midwife
Erika Maaskant is a graduated of the Midwifery Education Program at Laurentian University, where she was active in building interprofessional learning opportunities between health care fields for improved client and patient experience. She is thrilled to be working with families involved with the outstanding Maternal Fetal Medicine Team at LHSC to help provide support and education for families experience complex pregnancies. Before attending midwifery school, Erika studied Anthropology an African Studies at the University of Toronto where she had the opportunity to learn about gendered, economic, and culture dimension so healthcare provision. She became passionate about midwifery through supporting her family and friends in their birth process.

Maternal Fetal Medicine Team 

Maternal Fetal Medicine Team
Image (back to front and left to right): T.I.M.E. Team: Dr. Barbra de Vrijer; Dr. Jordan Schmidt; Dr. Harrison Banner; Lauren Columbus, RM; Annie Latham, RM

The Maternal Fetal Medicine Team Members: