Resource Accessibility

Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Assistive Devices Program forms:

Patients require a physician's prescription and authorization in order to receive funding for respiratory and ventilatory supplies, as well as access to the Ventilator Equipment Pool. The following forms are essential.  For more information please visit the MOHLTC Assistive Devices website.

1) Application for Funding Ventilator Equipment and Supplies - needed to get a ventilator on loan from the Ventilation Equipment Pool.  

2) Application for Funding Respiratory Equipment and Supplies - used to apply for funding for assistive devices such as secretion

    clearance equipment, and other respiratory care supplies.


Health Record Worksheets:

Airway Secretion Clearance Equipment Form

Preventative Respiratory Care Prescription Form


Optimizing Respiratory Therapy Services: A Continuum of Care from Home to Hospital

College of Respiratory Therapists of Ontario (2010) 

General Resources:

Table of Contents

Full, Print Resolution

Full, Draft Resolution

Clinician Specific Resources:

Identification and Preparation Tool

Preparation for ICU Discharge

Preparation for Hospital Discharge