Our Values
In line with the Canadian Code of Ethics for Psychologists and our shared values here at LHSC, Psychology staff are driven by a strong sense of compassion and respect for each patient.
We provide non-judgmental, evidence-based, and patient-centred care to help patients manage a wide variety of mental health concerns. We understand that every person is unique, and are committed to helping patients discover their strengths and overcome challenges through assessment, psychotherapy, and other services. Likewise, we are committed to supporting care teams in providing safe and effective patient care.
We work collaboratively with individuals of all ethnicities, races, religions, gender identities, sexual orientations, abilities, ages and socioeconomic backgrounds to achieve their goals. Whenever possible, our staff is happy to accommodate individuals who require assistive devices/technologies or interpreter services.
Oversight and Ethics
Psychology is overseen by several regulatory bodies to ensure that the public’s safety, privacy, and care are conducted to the highest standard possible. Registered Clinical Psychologists, Clinical Neuropsychologists, and Psychological Associates in Ontario must abide by the standards set forth by each of the following organizations.
College of Psychologists of Ontario (CPO) Details
The CPO regulates the practice of psychology in Ontario in accordance with the Regulated Health Professionals Act. The CPO's Standards of Professional Conduct are followed by every Clinical Psychologist, Clinical Neuropsychologist, and Psychological Associate in Ontario. The CPO enforces these standards by auditing Psychologists’ practice, requiring members to undertake continuing education, and investigating complaints that arise.
Canadian Psychological Association (CPA)
The CPA is the national association for the science, practice, and education/training of Psychology in Canada. The CPA has established a Code of Ethics for the ethical practice of Psychology, which is followed by licensed psychologists across the country.
Information and Privacy Commissioner (IPC) of Ontario
The IPC ensures that all registered health care professionals handle personal health information in a confidential and safe manner as outlined by the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Document Act (PIPEDA), the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), and other relevant laws.
LHSC Privacy Office
The LHSC Privacy Office is an internal department committed to ensuring that all hospital staff abide by federal and provincial access and privacy laws (e.g., PIPEDA, FIPPA). Patients may contact the LHSC Privacy Office directly if they have a question or concern about how their information is being handled.
Patient Relations Office
Patient Relations Specialists are available in the Patient Relations Office to assist patients and families with access to and knowledge of their rights and responsibilities. The Patient Relations Specialists will facilitate compliments, complaints and conflicts to a reasonable outcome as a mediator between the patient/family and the healthcare team.
Human Research Ethics Board (HREB)
Some individuals may choose to participate in psychological research being conducted at LHSC. All research at LHSC must be reviewed and approved by the Western University HREB. The HREB is a committee of researchers who specialize in the area being studied as well as specific ethical issues. The HREB ensures that all research is conducted in a safe, respectful and beneficial manner. They abide by a number of institutional, federal, and international standards.
Psychology Department Leader: Dr. Ian Nicholson, C.Psych.
Dr. Nicholson is the Psychology Department Leader and is responsible for ensuring that psychological services at LHSC are provided professionally, ethically, and effectively. For questions or concerns regarding the quality or safety of psychological services at LHSC, you may contact Dr. Nicholson at 519-685-8500 Extension: 33469.