LHSC offers a cardiac surgery fellowship.
- The goal of the Surgical Fellowship is to obtain training and experience in the preoperative assessment of candidates for heart transplantation, in donor heart procurement, in the performance of orthotopic heart transplantation and in postoperative care.
- The experiences in postoperative care will include both supervising the care of newly transplanted patients in the Cardiac Surgery Recovery Unit as well as in the Multi-Organ Transplant Unit (MOTP).
- Learn all aspects of modern immunosuppression including dosing, side effects, and complications.
- Learn all components of recipient selection for transplantation, pretransplant assessment and care, perioperative care and long-term management.
- The fellows will be encouraged to carry out clinical investigation on mutually agreed upon topics, prepare the data and present the findings to the MOTP at University Hospital. They are strongly encouraged to submit abstracts to national or international meetings.
- Attendance at all MOTP Educational Forums is expected.
- For all MOTP supported fellows there is an expectation that a minimum of 9 months clinical service be provided by each fellow.
- All MOTP supported fellows are expected to attend Journal Clubs, plan and present a research idea and maintain their own log, as required, for AST and ASTS accreditation.
Contact Information
Multi-Organ Transplant Program (MOTP)
London Health Sciences Centre, University Hospital
339 Windermere Road London, ON N6A 5A5
Dr. Michael Chu - Transplant Cardiac Surgical Fellowship
- Telephone: 519-685-8500
- Email: michael.chu@lhsc.on.ca