Donor Recognition Medal
In 1997, the Transplant Awareness Committee asked William Johnson, a London artist, to design a medal that could be given to donor families. The purpose of the medal was to recognize the life-saving gift given by their loved ones. Visit the Donor Recognition Medal web page to learn more.
Garden of Life
In 1999, White Rose Home & Garden sponsored a provincial-wide campaign, generously offering to create a garden dedicated to a worthwhile cause in every White Rose community. LHSC's Organ Donor Awareness Committee chose a beautiful area at the Forks of the Thames, overlooking the Thames River. This Garden of Life highlights organ and tissue donation and transplantation. Visit the Garden of Life web page to learn more.

Donor and Recipient Quilts
The Gift of Life Donor and Recipient Quilts were organized by the London Transplant Gift of Life Association, in conjunction with LHSC's Multi-Organ Transplant Program, several years ago. Each square individually represents one donor or recipient. Families and patients use the quilt squares to highlight personal sentiments, such as a photo, hobby, poem or talent. Along with the quilt patch, a brief personal comment/story and photo of the patch are included in an album to accompany the quilt. The original quilts are displayed at University Hospital. Silk-screened quilts are available for community displays and events.
Transport Truck Awareness
There are some transport trucks that are delivering an important message as they travel throughout Ontario. The trucks, owned by Al's Cartage Ltd. in Kitchener, Mel Hall Transport in London, and Lavigne Truck Lines in Ottawa, are helping to promote awareness about organ and tissue donation as they make deliveries to various cities in our region. Visit the Transport Truck Campaign web page to learn more.