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Infant and Family Rights
NICU Infant and Family Rights and Responsibilities
We have the right to …
- Be seen as an infant and family first, then as a patient
- Be listened to
- Be called by our names
- Be treated with kindness and respect
- Be recognized as a unique infant and family
- Know the members of our health care team, their roles and what care they provide
- Have our emotional, cultural, spiritual and developmental needs respected
- Know our plan of care and participate in daily rounds
- Discuss our fears and concerns with the health care team
- Have our questions answered in a way we understand
- Have our privacy protected
Our family has the responsibility to…
- Be polite and respectful to other families, the staff and environment of the NICU
- Respect the privacy of other infants and families
- Follow the NICU infection prevention practices
- Be open and honest with care providers
- Ask questions so that we understand our infant’s care
- Be involved in making decisions about our infant
- Take an active role in learning our infant’s cues and participating in our infant’s care
- Provide feedback to staff