Patient Rights and Responsibilities

London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC) is updating our Patient Rights and Responsibilities and renaming them to ‘Our Shared Commitments’ to better reflect our shared commitments to one another as patients and health-care providers.

Our draft Shared Commitments are based on principles of people-centered care, which are about dignity, respect, information sharing, partnership, and participation for everyone involved in a person’s care, including patients, care partners, visitors and health-care professionals. They have been developed by Patient and Family Partners and the Patient Experience team, and now we’re seeking input from the community.

Please complete a short survey to give feedback on our proposed Shared Commitments.  

LHSC is a teaching hospital with responsibility for educating physicians, nurses and other health-care professionals. During your stay, you may be in contact with students and trainees.

Patients have the right to decline student participation and observation in their care. Requests should generally be accommodated after discussing them with your care provider. There may be occasions where such a request may not be possible or may result in a delay of your care. Options will be discussed with you and your care team, but should not result in a refusal of care.

Patients have the right to:

  • Be treated in a considerate and respectful manner.
  • Know the full name and role of those involved in your care.
Privacy and Confidentiality
  • Have your personal health information treated in confidence and used in a way that respects your wishes.
  • View or receive a copy of your health record and request correction if they feel the record is inaccurate or incomplete.
Safe Care and Treatment
  • Receive care in a welcoming and safe environment.
  • Receive relevant information about your illness or health condition.
  • Receive all information necessary to give informed consent or refusal to proposed treatment, including known risks, alternatives, and cost implications, if any.
  • Be informed if unintended, unexpected and preventable events that result in harm occur during care.
Access to the Complaints Resolution Process

Ask questions and express concerns about hospital health care and services.

Patients are responsible for:

Active Partnering in Care
  • Providing information about past illnesses, allergic reactions to medication or food, and current health.
  • Bringing in all home medications, including vitamins and herbal supplements, when admitted to hospital to ensure that an accurate and complete list is obtained for writing medication orders.
  • Recognizing the risks and consequences of refusing treatment and/or leaving the hospital against medical advice.
Courtesy and Respect
  • Treating others in the hospital with consideration and respect.
  • Observing applicable hospital rules, regulations, and policies that have been communicated, such as:
    • Infection control measures (such as hand-washing, masking).
    • Safety, security and emergency measures.
    • Discharge Planning.
Using Health Care Resources Wisely
  • Contacting the hospital at least 24 hours in advance if unable to keep an appointment.
  • Arriving at appointments on time.
  • Making arrangements for timely discharge.
Personal Property and Financial Obligations
  • All financial costs associated with your care.
  • The safekeeping of personal property, valuables and own medications while in hospital.